Skin Routine: Self -Tanner Run Down & Review

Hello everyone! I hope all is well in the world of reading, blogging, social media(ing).

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In this particular blog I want to go review something I typically don’t do too often, but I thought would be a good and fun thing to talk about, which is self-tanning!

Now, before I really get into it as friendly reminder everyone is valid of their own thoughts and opinions on what they believe and like, so let’s all be courteous. Of course, I will be courteous and respectful to you all as well.

Up until about six or seven months ago I never used self tanner nor did I care about the idea of doing it. One day at Sephora, I thought Fall/Winter is coming and I want to be prepared to still have that sun-kissed tan look to my skin so I picked up a bottle of self-tanner. The top reasons I that came to mind for never trying it was 1. I knew some places would be really hard to reach 2. I was nervous I would be doing it wrong/mess it up 3. I am super lazy, I over came these three little apprehensions and got to tanning. After I used it I waited for it to set, went to bed, and woke up and thought wow, I actually like how it turned out. The process is not as bad as I thought it would be, there are some hard to reach places, I didn’t do wrong (and even if I did who cares my body, my problem), and after a while of being lazy I make myself do it.

I share that with you all because self-tanner is maybe seen as being fake, or being insecure, and honestly yes, it is, but I don’t care I like how it looks and increases my self esteem because I am doing something for myself and trying to make myself look good for myself (how many times can I say MYSELF lol). Anyways do what makes you feel good.

I’ll talk about the tanner, and then I’ll go in a step by step process (1, 2, 3, etc.) of how I apply the tanner and how I make it last.

The self tanner is by Isle of Paradise, a self-tanning mousse in the color light. This is a vegan friendly, cruelty free & organic self-tanner. This is a smooth looing packaged bottle. The mousse is very light and feels weightless. The mousse comes out through a pump. I also purchased a St Tropez Prep & Maintain, tan applicator mit to be able to easily apply the self-tanner.

Steps to applying self-tanner:

  1. Be sure to shower before applying.
  2. Shave and exfoliate during your shower.
  3. Apply moisturizer and wait till the moisturizer has set into the skin (do not apply self-tanner immediately).
  4. Put the mitt on and pump the mousse on to the mid, apply 2-3 pumps at first.
  5. Start with your neck, chest, arms and body then work your way down to your legs and feet.
  6. Once you have applied the mousse generously all over your body, you can apply a light layer of mousse to your hands using a a makeup brush.
  7. After the self-tanner has been applied everywhere allow it to dry for about 10 minutes.
  8. Once you feel the tanner has dried you can dress and be on your way!
  9. Be sure to let the tanner stay on you body for 24-hours before showering again.
  10. The tanner will last about one week to a week & 1/2. Enjoy your new sun-kissed glow!

P.S. I would apply the self-tanner before going to bed, and like I said before wait about 24-hours before re-showering.

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